====== Africa Liberal Youth for Freedom (ALYF) ====== {{:public:mos:regional:alyf-logo.jpg?400|}} ===== About ===== The Africa Liberal Youth for Freedom (ALYF) is a regional organization representing liberal youth in Africa. ALYF contributes to the spread of liberalism, the promotion of democratic culture and the principles of rule of law in Africa. It works for the access of young people in decision-making bodies and for a better political, economic and social participation. ===== History ===== ALYF was founded in Dakar, Senegal in 2022. ===== Governance ===== ^ ^^^ | **President** | Kawtar Mawas | {{:public:mos:regional:kawtar-mawas.jpg?200|}}| | **Secretary General** | Marie Anézi | {{:public:mos:regional:marie-anezi.jpeg?200|}}| | **Treasurer** | Victor Sadio Diouf | | **Executive VP (North Africa)** | Kenza Sammoud | | **Executive VP (West Africa)** | Idriss Ouattara | | **Executive VP (East Africa)** | Anderson Ndambo | | **Executive VP (Central Africa)** | Shéilla Kamenga | | **Non-Executive VP** | Luyolo Mphithi | | **Non-Executive VP** | Moussa Sow | ===== External Links ===== ^ Links ^^ | **Instagram** | https://www.instagram.com/alyfafrica/ | | **Facbeook** | https://www.facebook.com/alyfafrica/ | | **LinkedIn** | https://www.linkedin.com/company/alyfafrica |