====== Structure of IFLRY ====== {{ :public:iflry-structure.svg?600}} The governance structure of IFLRY is made up of multiple overlapping parts. The G3 is the executive team within the [[public:bodies:bureau|Bureau]], consisting of [[public:bodies:bureau:treasurer|Treasurer]], [[public:bodies:bureau:sg|Secretary General]], and [[public:bodies:bureau:president|President]]. The Bureau also includes four [[public:bodies:bureau:vp|Vice Presidents]]; and so there are seven voing members who are directly elected by the GA. Each regional organisation (LYMEC, CALD Youth, ALYF and JULAC) also has the right to appoint a representative to the Bureau. In contrast to this, the [[public:bodies:office|Office]] consists completely of paid staff, particularly a full-time [[public:bodies:office:ed|Executive Director]] who is supported by one or two part-time interns or coordinators.